Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Almost 30 Weeks!

So I think I’m starting to get that nesting thing. Every evening that I go home I have the biggest urge to just start cleaning and getting baby stuff put together. Not that I can really do much right now (well, I could clean but that’s beside the point). We have a crib and some assorted baby stuff but really, at this point, that’s about it. I want to just have it all done ASAP – get clothes washed and put away, baby supplies put into their proper places, diapers on shelves and ready for use, etc… Drew and I spent almost our entire lunch together discussing how to lay out our apartment to make room for Meyer. The biggest problem right now is where, oh where, to store Drew’s 500 or more CD collection? All of which, according to my dear husband, must remain on display and easily accessible. Hmmmm…we will have to work on that.

I think part of this is because I just can’t believe how quickly it’s all happening! I’ll be at 30 weeks on Friday which means that if he decides to come early I could have only six or seven (or even less!) weeks until he arrives! Ack! Where have the past eight months gone???

On top of all this scary preparation stuff I’m also starting to hit the really uncomfortable stretch of pregnancy. My belly is getting enormous – it feels like a whole other appendage sometimes. I keep bumping into stuff not aware of how far I’m sticking out there. I’m tired a lot and my pelvis is absolutely killing me, especially at night. I think my baby boy is sitting directly on my bladder because I have to go to the bathroom constantly. Also, on the health front, I’m having a few issues. I’m gaining too much weight, my iron is a little low and I might have gestational diabetes. I took the three hour glucose tolerance test on Tuesday and hopefully (*crossing fingers*) it will al be okay. I was just barely over the limit on the one hour so we will see!


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