Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The "Movie"

Anyone who knows us knows that Drew and I love movies. We go to the theater to watch a movie at least once a week, we have a constant stream of Netflix DVDs going in and out of the house, we talk about movies a lot and, occasionally, Drew even makes a movie of his very own.

But yesterday, we saw THE movie. The one that apparently we should have seen in health class but never did. The one that is meant to instruct us on just what exactly a live birth looks like. And, oh yeah, it sure did show us, in intimate detail, exactly what to expect.

Drew’s reaction: That wasn’t nearly as disgusting as I thought it was going to be.

My reaction: That was WAY more disgusting than I thought it was going to be.

Oh well, it’s not like I have to watch. I think it was just this realization to me as the head popped out, blue and wet, that all these little kicks and jabs I’m now feeling, all my symptoms over the past 7 months, all of it is really because, holy cow, there is a PERSON INSIDE OF ME! And it’s going to have to come out sooner rather than later.

I know, it sounds crazy but I guess somehow it was just not connecting for me until last night…the process that my body is really going to have to undergo to give birth to Meyer. It’s incredible and scary and all sorts of things at once.


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